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A Clear Advantage: The Clear Choice For A Beautiful Smile


From the clear, comfortable aligners to the robust treatment visualisation software, Reveal Clear Aligners from Henry Schein Orthodontics can benefit practice and patients alike.

When Dr. David Ostreicher first heard about Reveal Clear Aligners from Henry Schein Orthodontics, he was looking for an alternative to the system he’d been using for years. Patients often complained about the number of attachments needed for their cases, so Reveal’s promise of minimal attachments piqued his interest. And with the aligners coming from a company he trusted, it made sense to give them a try.

He’s glad he did. As one of the first clinicians to implement Reveal aligners about five years ago, Dr. Ostreicher has seen the many benefits they bring his patients—fewer attachments among them. They’re also very comfortable. Reveal appliances are smooth rather than scalloped to help eliminate irritation to the patient’s gums or lips. The aligners are designed to fit precisely and to minimize slipping, offering added comfort and delivering predictable outcomes with minimal attachments and appointments required.

Then there’s the clarity. Reveal aligners, made of proprietary ClearWear material, have a shininess to them that others simply don’t—a feature Dr. Ostreicher’s patients really like. They’re also stain resistant, meaning patients can drink wine and tea, for example, without having to remove the aligners, making it easier to achieve that 22-hour wear time.

“If you have an aligner system that can produce the same results but with fewer attachments, a clearer aligner, and a smooth finish, your patients will be more likely to accept treatment and to comply,” Dr. Ostreicher said. “The main reason you don’t get results is patient cooperation. With other aligners, the thing patients complain the most about is the attachments. These aligners also don’t poke patients because they’re not scalloped. I get better cooperation with Reveal than I do with other products.”

Like Dr. Ostreicher, many dentists are switching to Reveal aligners or turning to them as they integrate clear aligner therapy into their practice for the first time. With plenty of support from Henry Schein, these aligners are easy to add to any office and, as more and more patients seek out this treatment, represent an opportunity for practice growth. Offering comfortable, predictable, and aesthetic appliances gives offices an edge, not to mention that it helps to win over patients who aren’t sure they want to go forward with treatment.

Once you start taking cases, the Studio Pro 4.0 web-based software makes it easy to visualise and modify treatment plans for the full range of mild, moderate, and comprehensive aligner treatments. The software’s features enable superimposition, advanced tooth movements, and arch adjustment, to name a few improvements. And an enhanced user interface enables clinicians to visualise and modify treatment plans no matter their skill level, allowing more dentists to offer this in-demand service.

“I like the slider where I can see at each stage where the patient will be, as well as have the ability to adjust teeth by myself,” Dr. Ostreicher said. “The models look much more realistic, which helps me visualise what the actual patient would look like. I also like that the software is totally internet based. I don’t need to download any software to update it, and I can open it on my computer from anywhere I want.”

The aligner’s manufacturing technology, combined with robust visualisation software, provides clinicians with a complete solution that yields predictable results.

“I get better cooperation with Reveal than I do with other products.”
David Ostreicher, DDS, MS, MPH

Case in Point


Ronit, a 27-year-old male, had orthodontic treatment as a teenager (lower incisor extraction case).

He presented to Dr. Ostreicher’s office with Class I, deep bite, upper and lower anterior crowding, and a tipped-in posterior segment leading to a narrow smile corridor.


Reveal aligners with mild interproximal reduction were prescribed.

Treatment was completed in one year, using 22 upper and lower aligners, and resulted in significant bite opening and a broader smile corridor.

No attachments or refinements were necessary.

Article Published In Dental Solutions Aug/Sept 2023

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