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Directa CALASEPT Plus - Calcium Hydroxide - 1.5ml Syringe, 4-Pack and 20 Needles

Product Code: DR-1240100


Calasept Plus is pure calcium hydroxides, it is a ready-to-use paste in air tight syringe for direct application through the Flexi-Tip.The very high concentration of > 41% in combination with optimal calcium ion release generates the extremely efficient and long-lasting antimicrobial effect. Calasept Plus is radio-opaque.The air tight syringes eliminate the risk of incorporating air into calcium hydroxide turning the material into calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is not possible to re-wet into calcium hydroxide. The new production process gives Calasept Plus a consistency that allows the calcium hydroxide to be applied using small and flexible plastic needle, Flexi-Tip. The autoclavable Flexi-Tip in combination with the smooth consistency is time saving and helps for precise and deep application.

  • Calcium hydroxide >41%
  • Barium sulphate
  • Sterile isotonic saline solution
  • pH 12.4

  • Temporary root-filling
  • Pulp capping
  • Pulp protection
  • Insulation in deep cavities
  • Stepwise excavation
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Quantity 4-Pack
Parent Category Crown & Bridge
Parent Category Endodontics
Parent Category Liners & Base
Delivery Syringe
Material Calcium Hydroxide
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