M-ESKW - Morita Beta Mini Obturation Gun - White - Henry Schein Australian dental products, supplies and equipment
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Morita Beta Mini Obturation Gun - White

Product Code: M-ESKW

B&L's newest obturation device is a unique cordless, ergonomic unit for optimum backfill. Designed for maximum user convenience and control. Beta mini is light weight, well balanced compact unit that allows warm gutta percha to be extruded effortlessly. With four hours of continual use on single charge and a faster heating mechanism that ensures the gutta percha reaches the desired temperature quickly, this is the ideal obturation for busy dental practice. The newly designed charging by simply replacing the beta mini in the console. Kit includes Beta mini unit with needles of 24mm/20G, 24mm/23G and 24mm/25G. 2 Cheaning brushes, 3 thermal protectors, needle bender /wrench, gutta percha regular 100 pellets, 1 plunger, charging console, power cord and adpator. Beta mini unit comes with 1 year warranty.
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