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Morita BL Endo Tip - SKE Starter kit with 3 Tips - EMS Meter

Product Code: M-BLSKE

BL Tips are useful not only in accessing the root canal, but also in enlarging the coronal aspect of the root canal because the end of the tip works in every direction. BLSKA (BL 1,3,5 Satelec), EMS - BL1E, BL3E, BL5E. BL-1 (100micron micro-projections ) - Removal of pulp stone, calcified dentin. Location of the MB2 canal and hidden calans Removal of gutta percha and paste materials. BL-3 (100 microns Micro-projections) Use at a higher power, higher speed. Removal of seconday dentin and pulp stones. Resistance to breakage. BL-5(50 micron Micro-projections) Smaller & longer tip than BL-1
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