RD-3179 - Alpro Biofilm-Removing-Set with Bilpron - Henry Schein Australian dental products, supplies and equipment
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Alpro Biofilm-Removing-Set with Bilpron

Product Code: RD-3179


Biodegradable, ready to use solution for the decontamination and prevention of formation of biofilms in procedural water lines in medical and dental treatment units.

How to use:
Before starting the application (weekend, holidays or overnight) fill the water bottle attached to the unit with 200 – 300 mL of Bilpron. Remove transmission instruments from the instrument tubes. Activate the decontamination system according to manufacturer’s instructions. Fill each water line (all instrument tubes, cup filler and other water supplies i.g. peripheral devices) with Bilpron until it comes out of the tubes and the cup filler (recognizable by the blue colour). Afterwards turn off the treatment unit. Allow Bilpron to remain in the lines until the practice starts to work again. After restarting the treatment unit, turn off the decontamination system and flush all procedural water lines until clear water comes out.

Can be left in the system for up to 3 months.

  • decontamination of water
  • prevention of lime stone deposits and soft biofim matrix formation

Biguanides and PHB-esters.

For further instructions, please note attached PDF located on the left hand side entitled Application of the Biofilm-Removing-Set with Bilpron RD-3179
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