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New Outline Dentin White 100g

Product Code: ANX-16010100


This tooth-coloured PMMA acrylic was developed together with Master Dental Technologist, Michel Magne.
For more than 14 years now, ambitious dental technicians and dentists all over the world have turned to New Outline for highly aesthetic temporary restorations with the rich hues and dense dentins.
The temporary material New Outline was further developed and optimized in a development process of many years. Thanks to its smart family of components, New Outline is a highly versatile system for temporaries (from single crowns up to implant-borne restorations), mock-ups, onlays and secondary dentures as well as for add-ons and repairs.
New Outline offers various application and processing possibilities as well as easy handling which makes it the perfect solution for all indications. The New Outline system of powder/liquid PMMA material produces superior optics to any other provisional material on the market, plus the non-porous surface of New Outline ensures high colour-stability and superior soft tissue response.
The rich, intensive dentins, available in 14 different colors, provide a good color stability even in thin areas.
When used with bonding fluid, this material is ideal for the fixation of denture teeth.
Due to its good homogeneity and the high quality of material, New Outline can easily be trimmed and polished.

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