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Zest Dental Solutions

Zest Locators Multiunit

Product Code: P-ZMULTIUNIT

Zest Dental Solutions

LOCATOR® ATTACHMENT SYSTEM FOR MULTI-UNIT ABUTMENTS (2-PACK) LOCATOR attachments for multi-unit abutments allow clinicians to transition patients from a screw-retained fixed prosthesis to a removable overdenture solution with ease by utilizing the existing implant manufactured multi-unit abutments with the LOCATOR Attachment System for Multi-Unit Abutments.

Implant Compatibility: LOCATOR attachments for multi-unit abutments are compatible with multi-unit abutments from: Nobel Biocare Biohorizons Thomen
LOCATOR attachments for multi-unit abutments have the same functionality as LOCATOR attachments for implants.

LOCATORs attachments are: Self-aligning, dual retentive design to enhance engagement and stability of the overdenture Low profile to maximize interocclusal space Customizable levels of retention Designed for free-standing and castable bar-splinted applications

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Parent Category Implant Dentistry
Parent Category Oral Surgery
Parent Category Restorative
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