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Solventum Ortho

3M SmartClip SL3 Self-Ligating Brackets, 004-302, .022, UR1, +17T/4A, 5-Pack

Product Code: 3U-004-302

Solventum Ortho

3M Unitek is now Solventum Ortho

The SmartClip™ SL3 Self-Ligating Bracket System is comprised of a unique self-ligating clip mechanism with no moving doors providing unmatched efficiency. 3M has combined advanced materials engineering with sophisticated mechanical design to develop an even more effective self-ligating bracket system and has improved the unique self-ligating clip mechanism. The SmartClip SL3 Self-Ligating Appliance System now uses less force to give your patients more to smile about. With no moving latches or doors, SmartClip™ SL3 Self-Ligating Brackets are true self-ligating brackets. The familiar twin design allows for selective engagement, giving the Orthodontist added control during treatment. Also, the traditional tie-wings provide easy application of auxiliaries for space closure when desired. The open slot concept was designed with patient hygiene in mind because it facilitates easy cleaning; this helps reduce problems caused by plaque build-up often associated with other ligation mechanisms - The SmartClip™ SL3 Self-Ligating Appliance System is offered in the MBT™ System prescription, as well as Ricketts* (High Torque) and Roth* (Low Torque) prescriptions, giving Orthodontists the option to select the treatment philosophy that works most efficiently in their practice - Individualized treatment based on the diagnosis of each patient can be prescribed via components from the three prescriptions utilizing the Variable Prescription Orthodontics (VPO) concept. - Re-designed to better serve Orthodontists’ needs, SmartClip SL3 Molar Brackets have small low profile tie-wings for increased treatment flexibility. - For the benefits of self-ligation and an aesthetic appearance, the SmartClip SL3 Appliance System is fully compatible with our Clarity™ SL Self-Ligating Appliance System and can be used together in treatment to meet patient requirements. - Clips have more room to flex, making them more forgiving to wire misalignment, thereby helping to minimize patient discomfort. - Smooth radius surface for enhanced patient comfort - Notched tie-wings for additional bicuspid identification - Low profile self-ligating bracket - Torque-in-base for level slot line up and improved finishing - Enhanced intelligent SL3 clip for easy wire engagement and disengagement - Intelligent SL3 clip pre-programmed for “release” of the archwire - Open, clean design for improved patient hygiene


The Minimum Order Quantity for this product is 5 
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Position Upper
Quantity 5-Pack
Parent Category Brackets
Parent Category Orthodontics
Type Self-ligating Brackets
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