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NAOL Carriere Motion III, 25mm Universal, 1-Pack

Product Code: O2-424-425


The Motion 3D Class III Appliance is a minimally invasion appliance intended to treat Class III malocclusions without extractions, painful orthognathic surgery, or traditionally uncomfortable and obtrusive face-masks.  The patient-friendly appliance is used at the beginning of treatment, prior to braces or aligners and delivers rapid Anterior-Posterior correction to help reduce overall treatment times by several months.  Intra-oral elastics connect the appliance with maxillary anchorage to achieve the mandibular posterior segment and to move it bodily as a block for an ideal Class I malocclusion.  Once the ideal platform is achieved, brackets or aligners are then placed to finish the case.

The Class III Moiton 3D is Universal so can be used on either the left or right side but must be used Bi-Laterally.  Not all elastics are created equal.   In order to achieve the correct forces for successful Motion treatment, using the Motion Elastics is vital.  Motion Force 1 (#424-9F1) and Force 2 (#424-9F2).   Please contact our office if you require a 'Quick Start Guide' which includes the Elastic Protocol.

Pack of 1.

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Quantity 1-Pack
Parent Category Orthodontics
Type Appliances
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