Strata-G Sectional Matrix System Intro Kit contains:
1x each Strata-G Short Ring Blue, Strata-G Tall Ring Orange and Strata-G Wide Prep Ring Green
10x each Strata-G Matrix Bands in sizes extra small, small, medium, large and extra large
10x each Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Firm Matrix Bands in the following sizes: Bicuspid, 4.3 mm, Bicuspid w/Extension, 4.3 mm, 5.9 mm w/Ext, Small Molar, 5.3 mm, Large Molar, 6.1 mm and Molar w/Extension, 6.1 mm, 7.7 mm w/Ext
10x Varistrip
20x each Strata-G Wedge Refills in sizes extra small, small, medium and large
5x deep margin elevation bands
1x Composi-Tight 3DFusion Ring Placement Forceps