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White Dental Beauty

NOVON® Technology

White Dental Beauty tooth whitening gels have a variety of different strengths, all powered by NOVON® – a whitening compound that delivers improved whitening results over less treatment time.

NOVON® has a unique inherent feature in that, on application, it produces a “pH jump” into the alkaline pH range. This “pH jump” enhances the release of perhydroxyl ions for a faster whitening effect. NOVON® containing gels can therefore produce a similar whitening effect within a shorter time frame, in comparison to whitening using a regular gel.

White Dental Beauty
Mild & NOVON®

Alternatively, within the same time frame, a similar level of whitening can be achieved with a lower inclusion level of NOVON® (Hyland et al, 2014). This should be an advantage to patients with sensitive teeth.

In addition to the enhanced whitening effect, a further advantage of NOVON® containing gels is their superior stability characteristics over a 24 month test period at a storage temperature of 2 – 24°.