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PeriAcryl HV 5ml

Product Code: G2-P-ACRYL5VCEHV

PeriAcryl® 90 is a cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive that is useful in periodontology and oral surgery. This dental adhesive is designed to perform specifically in the oral cavity.PeriAcryl® 90 is a blend of n-butyl cyanoacrylate and 2-octyl cyanoacrylate, which allow it to function on soft oral tissue.Liquids polymerise (turn solid) when applied in a thin film and contacted with water off a soaked cotton gauze. Alternatively, the patient’s own saliva can be used and applied with a gloved finger, using gentle pressure, to produce an ultra smooth finish to the adhesive.Stays in place for up to 14 days when a multi-layer application is applied. Kit Contents 5ml of adhesive 50 disposable pipettes High Viscosity Features 9 times thicker than original PeriAcryl®90 Increased viscosity = increased control
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