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GC GAENIAL Universal Flo - Universal Light-Cured Flowable Composite - Shade AO2 - 2ml Syringe with 20 Dispenser Tips

Product Code: GC-GAENIALFLOA02


With GC G-aenial Universal Flo you get an exclusive blend of injectable viscosity for easy and convenient placement even in deep cavities, combined with outstanding physical properties for safe and durable restorations.

G-aenial Universal Flo provides the answer to many difficult cases where you do not want to compromise between perfect placement, aesthetics and strength.

Its unique combination of strength and flowability makes it also perfectly adapted to be used as a light-cured composite luting cement.

Why choose G-ænial™ Universal Flo?

  • Looks like a flowable
  • Behaves like a restorative
  • True innovation
  • Filler size and composition
  • Filler silanation
  • Manufacturing techniques
  • Impressive strength for a universal application
  • Astonishing polish that lasts


  • A direct restorative material for all Class I, II, III, IV and V cavities
  • For Minimum Intervention cavities
  • For splinting (fixation of mobile teeth)
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Viscosity Universal
Parent Category Composite
Parent Category Restorative & Cosmetic
Delivery Syringe
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