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  • Endodontic Lookbook

Endodontic Lookbook


With our commitment and promise to be your trusted business partner and the adage that we stand for in Rely on Us for your dental needs – we introduce you to the new Endodontic LookBook – the ELB.

Our ELB is your compendia of everyday endodontic products that work for you in achieving the best possible outcome for your patients and your practice.

We welcome you to browse for solutions ranging from CBCT units to leading technology hand motors & apex locators, various hand and NiTi rotary files through to medicament and solutions for your endodontic practice.

Simple – Safe – Effective – that’s Henry Schein endodontics.

Want more information? Please contact your Local Relationship Manager or any of our State Based Endodontic Category Specialists.

Explore and enjoy.

Endodontic Solutions

Latest Blog Articles

Oral Health Care For The Elderly and Modifying Approaches

Oral Health Care For The Elderly and Modifying Approaches
Oral health not only refers to the absence of dental diseases but its contribution to general well-being and quality of life (QoL), which is more difficult to achieve with advancing age (Lamster and Northridge, 2008). Learning about the characteristics of this population can give helpful insights into oral health care for the elderly and how to modify approaches to suit individual needs.

SIGNO T100: Technology Meets Aesthetics

SIGNO T100: Technology Meets Aesthetics
The new Signo T100 is based on a clear architectural structure evolving from the Signo T500 premium model with an individual pantograph lifting mechanism seat design. The new Signo T100 represents an uncompromised result of the Morita DNA.

Successful Use of Katana™ Zirconia Block In Single-Visit Dentistry

Successful Use of Katana™ Zirconia Block In Single-Visit Dentistry
Zirconia is a popular restorative material with highly beneficial mechanical and meanwhile also optical properties. Due to long processing times, especially sintering, the material was initially not suitable for single-visit dentistry. This changed with the availability of zirconia variants with shortened sintering times and special high-speed sintering furnaces.

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